DLT's in the BSS PDQ?

04/10/2017 14:50


FINtech, INSURtech, REGtech, MEDtech, PEERtech and even DRINKtec, there is no shortage of collaboration in the emergent Blockchain, Distributed Ledger Technologies(DLT), Iot, 5G and Cloud worlds. What about in the Telecommunications World?

The BSS/Billing Systems are still the antediluvian, operators "Achilles Heel". "Phonecalls" are still being metered on a session-basis (distance * time-on-call = session-cost or what AT&T calls "Fat minutes on the network" model) despite living in an "always-on", cloud-connected world of data. 

This incurs an exorbitant amount of "back-office" clearing of "call records" (CDR's & IPDR's in Telco jargon) which are often incorrect or misaligned with contracts. This is exacerbated by multi-national operators with different regional (or country-based) billing consolidation models. Imagine if the FINtech world experienced such discrepancies in the clearing of their transactional records. Mitigating these "clearing issues" would also reduce the global need for the Telecoms Expense Management (TEM) industry as the element of trust is slowly rebuilt within the billing systems.


I am interested in exploring the possibility of using Blockchains or Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT's) within Billing Systems (in the Business Support System (BSS)) of Telecommunications Service Providers.

  • As a USEcase/example: imagine virtually everyone's "the end-of-month mobile invoice balancing" effort (professional or personal). You receive an invoice with each of the call records/details and the first thing that you do (upon doubting the activity) is to try matching each of the invoice call records with the Call Log on your mobile phone. You actually walk through a line-by-line matching of the invoice records with the call log on your phone. This takes hours, just to find the problem, then hours more to call centers trying to correct it. Imagine if these records were put on a block chain or a distributed ledger shared between the operator and the user... Where the operator and the user have a shared copy of a single ledger... We have essentially taken out the distrust in the system (and it's clearing anomalies) and improved customer confidence in the Telco Services.


I'm seeking any information on any sort on the theme of TELtech for Telecommunications (if one exists). I'm talking about Operator/Carrier-hosted accelerators such not the smaller, "telecom-focused technology companies" that just offer consumer-focused-solutions rather than Operator/Carrier-focused-systems.


I also have no intention of starting up a company, going through accelerators, being re-taught to build business models, etc. as I have already successfully done that twice. Anyone (TEM company or Telecom Operator) interested in strategizing, developing and executing this idea is welcome to contact me to shexplore and drive this initiative. Anyone else is welcome to comment and/or embellish.


This post is the result of discussions with my entourage and their positive reactions. It is the first in a number of such reflections that I just need to just get out of my head without "spinning my wheels upon" unless there is sufficient interest by other parties/sponsors.

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Chris Simandl Mobile: +33 659 33 44 28